A Tradition of Philanthropy & Service


The Woman's Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to service, philanthropy, and building connections among women of all ages. With a 5,000 square foot Clubhouse, it also provides an event venue for both Club members and the general public. Founded in 1899, The Woman's Club is proud to be the oldest club in the city, and a member of state and national women's club organizations. More here
Your tax-deductible donation to The Woman's Club makes a difference! Supporting scholarships for local girls, maintaining our historic Clubhouse, and providing needed supplies for our service projects and events. Thank you for including us in your giving plans!

This historic property is perfect for your next event. Our 5000 sq ft venue has everything you will need. A large foyer to check-in guests, large front room, a large balcony, bathrooms, and a restaurant grade kitchen. The main hall is over 3000 sq ft with a stage with curtains, a podium, PA, mics and speakers and enough tables and chairs to accommodate up to 200 people.
Weddings • Receptions • Birthday Parties
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Quinceañeras• Concerts
Dinners • Dances • Recitals • Office Parties
And a whole lot more!

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."